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Power Skills Training Courses

Our collection of online power skills training courses have been designed to help you unlock your potential, enhance your abilities and excel in both the workplace and everyday life.

Opinions, Criticism and Feedback

In and outside of the workplace giving opinions, feedback and criticism is an important skill in life. When giving opinions, feedback and criticism you need to make sure this is done in a constructive manner and doesn't upset or offend the person or group of people you are giving it to.

Two other important power skills are the ability to receive feedback and dealing with difficult situations, that's why we have created these four short courses:


Public Speaking

Public speaking is a skill that can take some practise to perfect but is a handy skill to have to be able to confidently deliver presentations, contribute to meetings and much more.

A crucial part to public speaking is also the presentation you are delivering, take a look at these three power skills online courses:

Collaboration and Problem-Solving

Working in teams or collaboratively is common place in most companies or organisations to achieve the best results possible by utilising different expertise and knowledge.

Another benefit of collaboration is the increased ability to solve problems. Learning these two power skills will help you progress, check out our three short courses:


Power Skills Training Package

Are you looking to learn a range of power skills? Our power skills training package contains 10 courses in one handy bundle saving you 20% if you bought the courses individually.

As with all our training courses the package can be completed at your convenience at a pace to suit you, so what are you waiting for buy online today.

Ready to demo our unlimited subscription?

Unlimited access to our 200-course library | 12-month subscription | Pay per employee | Quick 48-hour set-up

Just a few good reasons to invest in unlimited training for your staff. Empower your employees to upskill as much as they want to. Talk to us today to see the subscription in action.