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Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 - Set of 3 Interactive Courses

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013

Package Overview


  • Basic to Advanced
  • Up To 20 Study Hours
  • Online Study
  • Self-Printed Certificate


  • Online Interactive Course
  • Virtual College Endorsed

Package description

Learn the skills you need to use Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 effectively with our interactive courses for introductory, intermediate and advanced training.

Course Description

Learn the skills you need to use Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 effectively with our three individual training courses.

Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most widely used tools to create digital presentations. The program enables users to create and edit slides for visual presentations which can be animated or feature audio. With this set of three interactive courses, users will train in introductory, intermediate and advanced lessons for Microsoft PowerPoint 2013.

In this course, learners will become familiar with the various tools offered by the program, be able to navigate around, and create presentations with different components including text, graphical elements and animations.

You will learn

  • Introductory Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
  • Intermediate Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
  • Advanced Microsoft PowerPoint 2013

Who is it for?

Roles including:

  • This course is aimed at office computer users who may, or may not have previous experience with Microsoft PowerPoint 2013.

How the online courses work