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Microsoft Word 2013 - Set of 3 Interactive Courses

Microsoft Word 2013
Microsoft Word 2013
Microsoft Word 2013

Package Overview


  • Basic to Advanced
  • Up To 37 Study Hours
  • Online Study
  • Self-Printed Certificate


  • Online Interactive Course
  • Virtual College Endorsed

Package description

Learn to use Microsoft Word 2013, with all the skills you need with introductory, intermediate and advanced training modules.

Course Description

Learn the skills you need for Microsoft Word 2013 with this set of introductory, intermediate and advanced training modules.

In this course, learners will understand the program interface including manipulation and navigation, text and formatting, graphical elements and the document review functions.

This set of three Microsoft Office courses will guide learners through program tools and help them to get acquainted with the program interface, manipulation and navigation, text and formatting. Learners will be able to insert tables and conduct necessary adjustments to different graphical elements including headers and footers, and understand how to review documents to track performed changes and comments. The presented tools and procedures are divided into three courses according to their level of difficulty.

You will learn

  • Introductory Microsoft Word 2013,
  • Intermediate Microsoft Word 2013,
  • Advanced Microsoft Word 2013

Who is it for?

Roles including:

  • This course is aimed at office computer users who may, or may not have previous experience with Microsoft Word 2013 that are looking to improve their skills using the word processing program.

How the online courses work