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Understanding Reward Management

Understanding how to resource and plan for the future
Understanding how to resource and plan for the future
Understanding how to resource and plan for the future
Understanding how to resource and plan for the future
Understanding how to resource and plan for the future

Package Overview


  • Intermediate
  • 6 Study Hours
  • Complete at Your Own Pace
  • Self-Printed Certificate


  • 6 CPD Hours
  • CPD Certified

Package description

Upon completion of these modules, learners will gain the knowledge and the skills they require to be an effective line manager, to recognise the impact a reward system has on increasing motivation and value.

This line management toolkit was designed as an introductory course for those who may be new to managing people, or as development training for managers looking to develop their teambuilding skills. This toolkit is built from individual modules which will increase awareness of reward management practise.

Why take this toolkit?

These online modules will help learners explore principles and policies of introducing a reward system into your team or organisation. Learners will explore the relationship between workforce motivation and what you need to consider to implement appropriate reward management practise.

With training in reward management, line managers are able to introduce motivation into the workplace and an incentive for employees to strive to achieve goals in return for rewards and to be recognised. With this toolkit, learners will learn the business context of rewards and using reward intelligence, the key reward principles, policies and practices, and reward decisions that line managers have to make.

E-learning modules

  • The business context of reward and using reward intelligence
  • Key reward principles, policies and practices
  • Line managers and reward decisions

Training outcomes

Having completed this toolkit, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of pay and reward and explore the key principles that contribute to reward decisions made by businesses, and know the things to consider when setting pay levels and deciding on reward packages.
  • Recognise the extent that reward policies and practices may contribute to the achievement of organisational objectives.
  • Understand what your role as a line manager is for managing a reward scheme, and also how HR can help support employees and opportunities.

Target Audience

This toolkit is suitable for line managers who are looking at introducing a rewards scheme or understanding the relationship between workplace motivation and reward decisions.


The content of this toolkit has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this toolkit.

You will learn

  • Understand the importance of pay and reward
  • Explore the key principles that contribute to reward decisions made by businesses,
  • Know the things to consider when setting pay levels and deciding on reward packages
  • Recognise the extent that reward policies and practices may contribute to the achievement of organisational objectives
  • Understand what your role as a line manager is for managing a reward scheme
  • How HR can help support employees and opportunities

Who is it for?

Roles including:

  • Line managers who are looking at introducing a rewards scheme or understanding the relationship between workplace motivation and reward decisions

How the online courses work