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Cyber Security Awareness and the Essentials of Data Protection (GDPR) Training Package

The Essentials of GDPR and Cyber Security Awareness training pack offers two courses which will give learners the skills and knowledge to work safely whilst online and prevent online fraud or data breaches including what regulations will affect them surrounding storing and handling data.

An Introduction to Cyber Security online training course
The essentials of GDPR
An Introduction to Cyber Security online training course

Package Overview


  • Intermediate
  • 2-3 Hours
  • Online Study
  • Self-Printed Certificate


  • 2-3 CPD Hours
  • CPD Certified

Package description

The Essentials of GDPR and Cyber Security Awareness training pack offers two courses which will give learners the skills and knowledge to be safe online and what new regulations will affect them surrounding storing and handling data.

The Essentials of GDPR and Cyber Security Awareness training pack offers two courses which will give learners the skills and knowledge to be safe online and what new regulations will affect them surrounding storing and handling data.

Cyber security and Data Protection (GDPR) have become very important topics for businesses, upon completion of this training learners will have a good knowledge of how to work safely whilst online, and prevent online fraud or data breaches. Learn the skills you need to keep your organisation safe against cyber security threats and become GDPR compliant. Learn how to protect against every day risks, whilst also learning the data protection principles included in the GDPR.

The Essentials of GDPR and Cyber Security Awareness training pack offers two courses which will give learners the skills and knowledge to be safe online and what new regulations will affect them surrounding storing and handling data. Both these courses cover topics which are becoming much more important issues for all businesses, and by combining GDPR principles with essential cyber security information, learners will be able to better understand the impacts GDPR may have on their business and how they should be handling and storing data.

Learners will also be able to recognise how they can take steps to protect their premises and how they can store and dispose of personal information to prevent against identity theft. Learners will also understand what we mean by the term ‘SPAM’, the dangers of using CC in emailing, how to print securely, and how to browse the internet safely.


These courses have been certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.

Target Audience

This training pack is aimed at those involved in the handling of people’s information as part of their day to day role. It aims to provide an introduction to the GDPR, its principles and process and roles and responsibilities under the Regulation and also helps protects you or your employees against cyber criminals.


The Essentials of GDPR course will take approximately 1-2 hours to complete and Cyber Security Awareness take up to an hour, depending on how quickly learners can study and absorb the material.

Test and Certificate

The end of both of these courses have a test which consists of multiple choice questions.

You can download and print your digital certificates immediately upon completion.

You will learn

  • Understand the key changes from the DPA to the GDPR
  • Understand what data is, and the different types of data
  • Recognise the six principles of GDPR
  • Safely handle sensitive data and understand the rights of data subjects

Who is it for?

Roles including:

  • Data processors and compliance officers, or those who handle or are responsible for personal data as part of their day to day role
  • Anyone looking for a job working with data
  • Anyone working with data
  • Anyone looking to improve their data and security knowledge


How the online courses work