With our E-Safety training course understand the dangers associated with the internet such as cyber bullying, online abuse such as grooming, sexting and how to report abusive online behaviour. Understanding both the benefits and risks of the internet, particularly for children and young people will allow leaners to develop better online safety practises.
This online safety course describes the various forms of abuse and danger caused by the use of technology and the internet, both for adults and children, and gives detailed information on how to counter its effects.
This online safety training course will help learners to identify adults and children at risk and what forms online abuse takes and how to recognise them. This course will provide learners with the information they on how to help and protect adults and children from the dangers of technology
The ability to protect children, young people and at risk adults from harmful or inappropriate material online is extremely important and anyone working with these groups needs to be able to identify potential risks as wells as the signs and symptoms of vulnerabilities or suspected abuse.
This is a wide-ranging online safety course that covers what online safety means and explores the various forms that online abuse can take and how to counter that abuse.
This online safety training course will give learners the knowledge they need to spot children, young people and adults at risk and suffering from online abuse.
This keeping children safe online training course uses a multi-media approach to allow the learner to explore the content though videos, and explainer screens, with a range of challenges to check the knowledge gained. On completion of this online safety course the learners will be able to:
We offer a wide range of popular CPD approved safeguarding courses including Level 2 Safeguarding Children, Level 3 Safeguarding Everyone, Safer Recruitment and Safeguarding in Education.
All of these courses are perfect to improve your safeguarding knowledge to help progress your career.
Roles including: