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FGM Online Training Course

This FGM (abuse linked to Faith or Belief) course explores, with the use of real-world scenarios, the terminology, definitions, and types of FGM, origins and main justifications, legislations relating to issues in the course, how to identify this abuse and how the law protects victims. Topics covered include honour-based violence, forced marriage and abuse linked to faith or belief and abuse from spirit possession.

This course was reviewed and updated on 22nd September 2023

FGM key point image
Spirit Possession course image

Course Overview


  • Intermediate
  • 3-4 Study Hours
  • Online Study
  • Self-Printed Certificate


  • 4 CPD Points
  • CPD Certified

Course description

This wide-ranging course covers FGM (female genital mutilation), abuse linked to faith or belief, and forced marriage.

This course help learners to understand the links between these issues, provides information on how to identify vulnerable people, and how to report and act on such knowledge. 

This course is specifically designed to help people coming into contact with young people and their families during the course of their work to promote good safeguarding practice, whilst being culturally aware.

The prevalence of FGM, abuse linked to faith or belief, and forced marriage is a very serious problem, and anyone who works with vulnerable adults, children and young people needs to be aware of its indicators and consequences. This course offers information on these various types of abuse in a clear format, using videos and real-life scenarios. 

What's covered in this FGM (abuse linked to Faith or Belief) course?

Our online training course covers a wide range of topics to give learners in-depth knowledge on FGM, abuse linked to faith or belief and forced marriage, and the signs and symptoms for each. Areas covered in this training include:

ModuleWhat it includes
Understanding Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)This module covers the definition of FGM and the variations in the way this practive is referred to. We also look at the complex origins of FGM and delve into why it happens, the different types of FGM and the consequences.
Understanding Child Abuse Linked to Faith or BeliefThis section will enable you to identify one of the less-known forms of abuse, so you can react appropriately. We define what child abuse linked to faith or belief is, outline what type of abuse this consists of and expalin how to identify it.
Understanding Honour-Based ViolenceThis module will enable you to understand the key issues relating to honour-based violence. You'll be able to identify why and how honour-based violence can occur, and recognise how the law protects victims.
Links between Abuse & Cultural Traditions, Rituals & BeliefsWe outline the way in which abuse can be linked to certain areas of faith and belief, such as traditions within culture and ceremonies.

Understanding Forced Marriage

This module will list the motives behind forced marriage, identify potential consequences for girls and women who are subjected to forced marriage and recognise indicators of forced marriage which may arise to practicioners in a range of settings.

Why take this training course? 

Our online training uses immersive real-world scenarios to help learners absorb more information and enable them to apply the techniques and learning into their workplace.

There are challenges within each section of this course to test the knowledge gained throughout the course.

We also provide links to relevant agencies and organisations which supply more information and advice so learners can further develop their knowledge once their training is completed.

This course is suitable for those working with children, young people and adults in safeguarding, teachers, or various volunteer roles.

You will learn

  • Explain the origins and main justification for FGM
  • Describe the four types of FGM
  • Define child abuse linked to faith or belief
  • Outline this type of abuse and how to identify it
  • Identify why and how honour-based violence happens
  • Recognise how the law protects victims
  • Understand the reasons behind forced marriage, its indicators, and the potential consequences for people subject to forced marriage

Who is it for?

Roles including:

  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Administrators
  • Teachers
  • Teaching assistants
  • Nurses
  • Councillors
  • Support workers
  • Volunteers
  • Anyone who comes into contact with children, young people and adults

How the online courses work