Level 3 Food Safety and Hygiene for Supervisors is a RoSPA Assured course tailored to anyone who manages or supervises food handlers. In this Level 3 Food Safety Training Course you will learn how to develop and maintain an effective HACCP system, how to define food safety hazards and hygiene risks as well as how to prevent them, and how food law applies to your premises.
This course was reviewed and updated on 7th March 2024
The Level 3 Food Hygiene online course is suitable for anyone who is involved in the management or supervision of food handlers within a food environment.
Need someone to oversee food safety in your business? Every food business should have at least one person with Level 3 Supervising Food Safety in Catering, particularly if they're managing and training your team.
Looking for specific food hygiene courses? We also offer Level 3 Food Hygiene for Supervisors in: Manufacturing | Catering | Retail.
Those in a role where they supervise or manage others working with or handling food are recommended to complete a Level 3 Food Safety and Hygiene course.
As a business owner or supervisor, you have a duty to comply with the provisions of Regulation (EC) 852/2004 of the European Parliament on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs, the Food Safety Act 1990, and the Food Hygiene Regulations 2005.
This Level 3 Food Safety & Hygiene Certificate for Supervisors course satisfies a food handler’s legal obligation to undertake appropriate food safety training, as well as building on the safety principles explained in the Level 2 Food Safety & Hygiene course. A sound knowledge of the latest food safety principles, as well as the senior duties within a food setting, will help to improve the quality of any products or services produced by your business.
This Level 3 Food Safety Course is aimed at any business striving to achieve a 5* rating under the national hygiene rating system. Boost knowledge, confidence and understanding and receive a high quality certificate to demonstrate training has taken place. Some of the areas covered by this course include:
The Level 3 Food Hygiene material is provided in an interactive format that is designed to be engaging and accessible. A basic knowledge of food hygiene will mean learners progress quickly, but the Level 3 Food Hygiene training course is designed for anyone working in the service or hospitality sectors and should be suitable for any staff member to give them the knowledge needed to work effectively and safely.
To help develop an in-depth knowledge of food safety and hygiene, this Food Safety Level 3 online course provides interactive content which is split into the following chapters:
Module | What it includes |
Introduction | An overview of food hygiene terminology, why food safety and hygiene is important, food contamination, food borne illness and the benefits of good food safety practices. |
Food Safety Hazards and Contamination | The different types of hazards, contamination and their sources including microbiological, microorganisms, cross-contamination, allergens, physical hazards, chemical hazards and acrylamide. |
Microbiology | There are several different types of microorganisms which are reviewed here including mould, yeast, viruses, protozoa and bacteria. The module also covers the different types of bacterial growth, spores and toxins as well as how to destroy microorganisms, temperature control and microbiological testing. |
Food Borne Illness | What the main food borne illnesses are, the affects of them and the three main categories. There is also several interactive challenges to improve knowledge on this section. |
Understanding Food Law | Food law is extremely important and this module explains why it exists, the responsibilities placed on people, who enforces it and the penalties for failing to comply with it. |
The Role of the Supervisor | What a food supervisor, team leader or middle manager does, their key activities, monitoring and control methods, auditing and reviewing systems and how to get the best of your staff and what instructions and training they need. |
Food Safety Management HACCP | A look at HACCP which is required by food hygiene regulations for all food premises. There are interactive challenges too which are designed to improve HACCP knowledge. |
Food Preservation | Food preservation techniques including packaging and the causes of food spoilage. |
Food Storage and Temperature Control | Best practice food storage methods for chilled, frozen and ambient temperatures. Other important food storage procedures including ordering, deliveries, receipts, date marking, stock rotation, product specification, cooking, cooling, packing, distribution, display, reheating and service are covered. |
Personal Hygiene | The importance of personal hygiene, personal responsibilities, hazards, handwashing, hand drying, hand disinfection, the use of gloves, nail hygiene, personal appearance, personal habits, protective clothing, first aid, reporting illness and injury and legal considerations. |
Workplace and Equipment Design | The best ways to design workplaces and equipment choices to help with the avoidance of bacterial contamination, cross-contamination, physical contamination and chemical contamination. |
Cleaning and Disinfection | The benefits of keeping the workplace clean and why it is so essential to the safe and smooth running of all food premises. |
Pest Control | The hazards posed by pests, how to avoid and infestation can be reduced and how to deal with infestations should they occur. The module covers common pests, the signs of infestations, environmental control, eradication methods, waste management, the role of pest control contractors and internal and external waste control. |
The Level 3 course is ideal for anyone in a supervisory or management role within the food industry. While many students will have completed Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene, this is not a prerequisite for taking the Level 3 course.
The course is suitable for induction, refresher, or foundation training and can be completed entirely online, eliminating the need for disruptive off-site training sessions.
It is recommended everyone working with or handling food has a Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene certificate, we offer Level 2 Food Hygiene for: Catering | Manufacturing | Retail | Drinks Manufacturers.
The Level 3 Food Safety and Hygiene course can be used either as Induction, Awareness, Refresher or Foundation Training, making it a highly flexible choice. It also demonstrates that your organisation is dedicated to educating its staff by delivering first class Level 3 Food Hygiene training without the need for off-site learning or disruptive classroom sessions.
By the end of this Food Hygiene Level 3 online course, learners will:
This Food Safety Level 3 training fully satisfies the legal requirements set out in:
The course content has been specifically developed to:
As a supervisor or manager completing this course, you will receive training that enables both you and your business to demonstrate compliance with current food safety legislation. The certification provides evidence to regulatory authorities that you have received appropriate training in food safety supervision, which is a legal requirement for food businesses.
The course ensures you understand your legal obligations and responsibilities as a food safety supervisor while providing practical knowledge to implement compliant food safety practices in your workplace.
Complete a 60-question food safety assessment with a 75% pass mark required. You have six free attempts, with additional tries available through our support team.
Upon passing, you'll receive both:
This RoSPA Assured Food Safety qualification is widely recognised by Environmental Health Officers and food safety auditors. While food hygiene certificates don't formally expire, industry best practice recommends renewal every three years, though some employers may require more frequent updates.
Upon completing this Level 3 Food Hygiene course online, learners will be able to download a digital food hygiene certificate, which is RoSPA Assured, from Virtual College. A high quality, seal embossed, posted certificate will be sent out the following working week.
This Level 3 Food Hygiene certificate is universally recognised and can be used to provide evidence of food hygiene and safety training both internally and to external auditors.
There is no set time for how long a food hygiene certificate level 3 is valid for, but the accepted industry standard is for food hygiene certificates to be renewed every three years. However, some employers may require you to renew your certification more frequently than this.
This course is not a formal RQF food safety & hygiene qualification, the levels only indicate the type of course so that businesses can choose whom it is suitable for.
Roles including:
If you’re working in the hospitality or service industry as a supervisor, you will need to comply with the latest food and hygiene regulations. This Level 3 Food Hygiene course is designed to help you comply with EU Regulation 852/2004, which requires food businesses to ensure that any employee who handles food is fully trained in food hygiene and for you to be able to train or supervise others within the industry. The contents of this course were developed in accordance to the Environmental Health Officer's guidelines, and also adhere to the Industry Standards set by People 1st and the Sector Skills Council for the Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism industries.