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Last updated: 11.06.13

Virtual College a top 20 e-learning innovator

Education technology company Edxus Group and IBIS Capital, a specialist media investment and advisory firm, has named Virtual College in their top 20 e-learning companies in Europe. The panel of judges have determined results based on innovation, scale, market impact and revenue growth.Organisations featured in the top 20 have highlighted a number of key trends in the education technology space, including new generation software as a service (SaaS) instructional platforms, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), the gamification of content and analytics enabling adaptive learning and testing."We have been impressed by the range of innovation from right across Europe in both the academic and corporate learning sectors. While the 3 year revenue growth rates delivered show that the ed tech boom in Europe is a reality, the huge number of applications received and the modest size of these businesses also demonstrate just how fragmented the European market is. Consolidation in the sector is both necessary and inevitable to foster the emergence of a handful of European ed tech champions able to compete pan-regionally and globally," commented Benjamin Vedrenne-Cloquet, Edxus Groups CEO and co-founder.Vedrenne-Cloquet continued to site proactive government attitudes, the encouraging attitude of educators to be early adopters of technology, and the widespread use of English in academic and corporate learning as reasons companies from the UK and Northern Europe are currently leading the way.On June 14th EdTech Europe will hold a one day summit to address current industry and investment trends within the education technology sector. The event will showcase a report on the European e-learning market and the top 3 companies from the Edxus list will be announced.By Ben Brady