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Last updated: 28.01.11

UK 'needs better access to online learning'

Better quality e-learning opportunities in greater volumes are required in UK higher education, a report has suggested.

According to the paper, written by the Online Learning Task Force (OLTF), a lack of information about online courses and distance learning is having a negative effect on students' choices.

The study noted that more accessible knowledge would support pupils in making decisions and give educational institutions a "competitive edge", adding that this has been effectively demonstrated by private providers.

Dame Lynne Brindley, Online Learning Task chair, commented that the provision of modern learning services is challenging, but necessary to meet demand.

"Current and future generations of students expect high-quality, flexible online learning experiences," she said.

The OLTF was set up in 2009 and given the responsibility of addressing how the country can approach becoming a world leader in the e-learning arena.

One body which is making the most of advances in technology is the University of East Anglia, which now offers an online degree in how to conduct oncoplastic surgery.