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Last updated: 24.03.12

Texas driving school offers Distracted Driving online training course

Texas-based driver training company Smith System has launched an e-learning course to help people understand the dangers of operating a motor vehicle while not paying sufficient attention to the road.The online health and safety learning course, which is entitled Distracted Driving, deals with issues both inside and outside the automobile.While motorists may abide by laws or regulations relating to using mobile telephones when operating a car, other road users might not, the company pointed out.Distracted Driving can be accessed through the internet and the online training course's web-based format will be utilised in Smith System's future content.It will provide compelling, information-rich information on important issues such as drivers using hand-held devices, which the organisation claimed has been shown to be the leading cause of highway fatalities and collisions.Chief executive officer of Smith System Tony Douglas argued the experience of his business indicates that safer driving "will not come from passing more laws".Instead, educating members of the public on the dangers posed by momentary lapses in concentration, operating a motor-vehicle at high speeds and losses of visual contact while driving a car will result in positive changes, he declared."Many people are working on various forms of legislation regarding distracted driving and we appreciate their focus on this important issue," the business leader said.He pointed out that the approach of his company is somewhat different.Mr Douglas said the enterprise is already aware that the general public, the government and fleet safety experts are "all hungry" for content that could change people's behaviours when on the road in relation to the topic of distracted driving.Smith System claims 95 per cent of all road collisions are the result of human error, with 54.1 per cent of these involving passenger cars and 41 per cent relating to light trucks.The remaining traffic accidents are due to motorcycles, larger goods vehicles and buses, with 0.2 per cent described as dealing with other modes of transport.