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Last updated: 29.12.10

E-learning could help those who plan to look for a different job in the new year

E-learning courses may benefit people who want to look for a new job.

According to a poll by, 16 per cent of Brits plan to seek different employment opportunities in 2011. People who are looking to boost their job prospects may want to enrol on an E-learning course, as this could boost their skills-set.

The survey revealed the top resolution in the UK is to lose weight, with 55 per cent claiming they are going to shed excess pounds. 44 per cent revealed they will do more exercise in 2011 in a bid to get fitter, while 16 per cent are thinking about taking up a new hobby.

John Miles, business development director at the organisation remarked: "A new year presents us with a new start and an opportunity to look forward as well as reflecting on the changes we want, or need, to make in our lives."

Elsewhere, managing director of the IT Job Board Alex Farrell recently suggested people in the IT sector need to adapt to changing market trends and should work towards new qualifications.