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E-learning: Why you should be using digital content

E-learning: Why you should be using digital content

In today’s day and age, businesses should be making the most of digital content when it comes to learning as it is proven to have many benefits. Here we take a look why you should be using digital content.

It’s not hard to see that our world is changing at rapid speed, as it moves into a digital and fast-paced landscape. Gone are the days where businesses relied on phone calls, face-to-face meetings and paper documents galore. Today we see online meetings via Skype, or Google Hangouts, and the introduction of virtual reality, interactive web apps and immersive video within the workplace.

The way we learn is also quickly changing. Traditional classroom based techniques are now being replaced with different types of learning styles. Younger generations like Millennials and Generation Z are now being brought-up in a world where technology is everywhere, and children are becoming more tech-savvy than their parents and grandparents.

Trying to get these younger generations to learn in a traditional learning environment, with testing, pen and paper and books, just isn’t going to be as effective as incorporating digital content into e-learning courses and training sessions. Here we take a look at why using digital content is important for learners.

A personal learning experience

Digital content means that learning is becoming more and more personalised to the user because data is easily collected, stored and then catered to them. It helps schools to modernise teaching by adapting the learning pace and teaching methods to student’s needs, choices and interests.

Learning specialists have seen evidence in classrooms that have adopted personalised learning strategies, finding that students who use digital learning techniques often make significant gains in reading and mathematics. Studies have also shown that the longer students experience personalised learning, the greater their achievement growth.

It’s fun!

Not only does digital content incorporated into learning programs help students retain information, but it can also be fun. According to Forbes, worldwide, we spend more than three billion hours a week playing video and computer games.

By using tools such as interactive games and videos, learners can enjoy training. If they are having fun using the digital content, they will be more motivated to complete each learning task.

An efficient way of learning

With digital technology, there is less need for textbooks, documents and assessments. Results and scores are now stored online or on a database. Digital education means that teachers can connect with more students by orders of magnitude. Concepts and ideas can be disseminated faster, and in turn, impact more lives.

Virtual College works collaboratively with its customers and partners to design custom content and training that has real, measurable impact in their businesses. We can incorporate digital content into your learning system as and when you feel is relevant. Learn more today.

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