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Last updated: 17.12.10

Distance learning courses may be suitable for home-workers

Businesses who allow staff to work from home will reap the rewards.

This is the view of Shirley Borrett, development director at Telework Association, who said personnel who are able to carry out their duties from outside of the office are more likely to repay their bosses with loyalty.

She suggested employees are more likely to stay on at firms who have home-working strategies in place and staff training could be done via distance learning courses.

"Every bit of research I've seen suggests that people are more productive at home. One of the biggest reasons that people are more productive is that they don't waste time commuting," Ms Borrett added.

This gives people more time to spend on their jobs and it boosts concentration too, she noted.

According to a survey by the Telework Association that was released earlier this year, 50 per cent of staff who work from their abode claimed to get more work done.