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Last updated: 05.01.13

David Cameron to bring e-learning to NHS dementia nurses

David Cameron has announced he will be rolling out online learning packages to nurses working with dementia patients.

The prime minister revealed today (January 4th) that as part of a new set of measures which are aiming to improve healthcare within the NHS, e-learning materials are to become available in each organisation that offers aid to sufferers of the disease.

He is also going to be installing dementia champions on every NHS ward and there will be an expert on the illness in each company.

Jeremy Hughes, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Society, stated people with dementia occupy one-quarter of hospital beds, but many do not receive the treatment they deserve. "Having a dementia champion on each ward and giving access to online training to all staff could be a way of driving up standards," he added.

In light of this news, it may be necessary for healthcare leaders to address the subject of dementia and consider the ways in which they can use digital learning within their organisation to improve awareness of the disease.

Training provider Virtual College is one online institution that understands the importance of recognising the effects of the disease and even offers a module in Dementia Awareness. This is designed to boost carers' knowledge of interacting with people who have the illness and allows employees to explore the life of a sufferer and access information about the different types of dementia.

In addition, healthcare workers can learn a series of simple techniques on how they can support individuals with dementia, while the training will also help them to understand the importance of recording and sharing information in order to improve the life of a sufferer.

Virtual College's Healthcare E-Academy works extensively with the NHS to develop its vast range of online courses and its Learning Management System enables employers to track and monitor staff progress through various assessment processes.