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Last updated: 15.11.10

Access to e-learning "essential"

The opportunity to try e-learning out is essential for students of any age, it has been said.

Jean Gross, director of the Every Child a Chance Trust, explained that the access to features such as distance learning courses and online training is important for people attempting to try out new educational avenues.

She was speaking as research by the Times Educational Supplement and the e-Learning Foundation revealed that 55 per cent of teachers say having no internet at home puts pupils at a serious disadvantage.

In addition, the study showed that almost seven out of ten teachers believe interactive whiteboards and computers in classrooms are more important than textbooks.

"So much of the work that is done for homework and recorded work is based on research done via the internet," Ms Gross said, adding that the social stigma of not having online access ostracises and alienates those who are unable to get online.